Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Keeping Track of Your Finances

I've just finished a new book lately titled "The Road Map to Financial Freedom". The book is about 200 pages but focuses mainly on one thing, creating a road map to financial freedom. And it repeats over and over again based on the different clients that he has had.

Although very repetitive, I believe that it has one key point that is really important that I have yet to follow properly, which is to keep track of your finances, like your savings, spending, investment etc. To tell you the truth, I've stopped keeping track of my spending quite long ago when I roughly figure out how much I roughly need to spend and how much I can save per month. But I noticed that I have been over spending a bit lately which is why I'm back at keeping track of my spending. But the next important thing I will need to do is to keep track of my investments, which I never ever did do before. At most, all I do everyday is to click on my portfolio to see how my stocks are doing, and that's about it. I do not have a single clue, what my actual returns are.

I do believe that creating a road map is important in achieving financial freedom, but I will have the take the next step, besides figuring out how much I spend, which is to keep track of my investments and how they are performing.

I do believe that with this small step, everyone will be one step closer to achieve financial freedom. What is financial freedom? Perhaps I will cover this in my next topic to whoever my readers are. If there are any at all :)

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